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BOOKS i'm reading

Napoleon Hill Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement, Napoleon Hill, ISBN: 978-0452272811
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated), Timothy Ferriss, ISBN: 978-0307465351
The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand, ISBN: 0452273331
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C++ Templates


Permalink 09:35:31 pm, by lano1106, 211 words, 1668 views   English (CA)
Categories: C++, C++

C++ Templates

C++ Templates: The Complete Guide, David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis, ISBN: 0201734842

Before this book, most C++ textbook were at most devoting one chapter on templates which clearly is not enough to cover a topic as complex as the C++ templates. The C++ Templates book is filling this void nicely and one of the coauthor of the book is the author of my favorite STL book 'The C++ Standard Library'. The book has 4 parts: The basics, templates in depth, templates and design and finally advanced applications. Personally, I found the 2 last parts good but less interesting because I think that other books such as Modern C++ Design do a better job to cover templates applications.

Where this book really shines is the first part that covers the C++ templates syntax very well. With a capricious syntax like the templates one, a good reference is essential. One example that come to my mind is when I was trying to declare a friend template function from a class template. That sounds like a simple thing to do but it is not. The syntax rules for this declaration are, to my opinion, far to be intuitive and hard to find in regular textbooks. With the help of this book I have finally been able to fix my friend template function declaration and make my compiler happy.

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