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BOOKS i'm reading

Napoleon Hill Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement, Napoleon Hill, ISBN: 978-0452272811
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated), Timothy Ferriss, ISBN: 978-0307465351
The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand, ISBN: 0452273331
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Permalink 10:44:16 am, by lano1106, 8 words, 6768 views   English (CA)
Categories: General

How a TRS-80 can help you dominating interviews


Permalink 08:53:31 pm, by lano1106, 97 words, 7519 views   English (CA)
Categories: General, C++

Graph breadth-first traversal algorithm C++ implementation

I have posted on my website a small C++ program that I have been asked to write during an interview with Facebook at Fall 2009. One of their interview was related to graph theory and the problem was to find the the shortest distance between to nodes in a graph. The best algorithm to use to solve this problem is the breadth-first traversal algorithm.

You can look at the source code here at:

and you can read more about the breadth-first traversal algorithm in Robert Sedgewick excellent book on algorithms.


Permalink 08:41:06 pm, by lano1106, 247 words, 3937 views   English (CA)
Categories: General

A new page in my career

Today was my last day at StreamTheWorld. I spent the last 3 years there as the company C++ Tech Lead in charge of the company C++ streaming servers development. It has been a nice ride filled with challenges.These servers are used by over 1600 radio stations including AOL/CBS radios accessible through Winamp and Flash players.

Among my various realizations. There are:

  • Scale and improve the performance and the reliability of the company audio/video streaming servers to the point where it can concurrently handles hundreds of thousands of live feeds every day in more than 25 countries, including during peak audience dayparts. The reliability and the quality of the server software have been proven to such industry leaders as CBS, Entercom, Multimedios, AOL and more. This represents 20x improvement over the original capacity.
  • Added more functionality to the server by growing the server code base from 25K lines in June 2007 to 200K lines in only 2 years while improving robustness and performance.
  • Designed and implemented a high performance targetted stream ad insertion system that serve end-user ads based geoip lookup. This system is now used by ESPN Radio on Internet.
  • Design and implement a protocol stack to support Adobe proprietary protocol RTMP clients
  • Add AAC support to the streaming server
  • Improve Microsoft MediaPlayer and Silverlight support.

I will start my new job Monday next week. Visit back my blog or my LinkedIn profile if you are curious to learn for which amazing new employer I will be working for.


Permalink 12:56:55 pm, by lano1106, 240 words, 3815 views   English (CA)
Categories: General

My new C++ source code to HTML converter

While I was integrating a fix to a bug that has been reported to me by Daniel Quadros in my primality testing C++ module and also adding gcc asm support to it. I used that opportunity to rework my C++ source code to HTML converter. The 2 things that I added to the converter are:

  • replace the usage of the <font> tags with <span> tags in combination of CSS classes
  • size optimization of the converted document

The size optimization came from the very simple observation that my converter was stateless and was not recognizing when multiple consecutive sections sharing the same colors were processed. I just added a small FSM to my converter to keep track of the current state and the converter now close the current tag only if there is a transition to a new color. The most impressive result came from my DCEL C++ file with a 25% file size reduction!

Also, I am just starting to appreciate to power of CSS. I will now be able to change the code snippet colors across my whole website by just updating a small CSS file. As a side bonus by having switched from the <font> tags to <span>, I can now use my C++ highlight feature in the code snippets contained in this blog as the blog engine was forbiding using <font> tags on posts but allows <span>.


Permalink 07:58:20 pm, by lano1106, 88 words, 3930 views   English (CA)
Categories: General

A new LinkedIn C++ group

Everyone located near Montreal and is reading this blog is welcome to join!


The group description:

Local group for C++ professionals located in the Montreal region desiring to discuss and meet other professionals of the Montreal C++ programming industry. Join and grow your network to beat all obstacles in your career. Discuss, Seek or Share your valuable knowledge with all group mates.

Also, you are welcome to visit my LinkedIn profile to know more about me:


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Olivier Langlois's blog

I want you to find in this blog informations about C++ programming that I had a hard time to find in the first place on the web.

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