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BOOKS i'm reading

Napoleon Hill Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement, Napoleon Hill, ISBN: 978-0452272811
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated), Timothy Ferriss, ISBN: 978-0307465351
The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand, ISBN: 0452273331
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Category: Rare out of print


Permalink 12:11:03 pm, by lano1106, 100 words, 2224 views   English (CA)
Categories: Rare out of print, Windows programming, Windows programming

Undocumented Windows NT

Undocumented Windows NT, Prasad Dabak, Sandeep Phadke, Milind Borate, ISBN: 0764545698

I have loved this book. It is much more easier to read than the more detailed book Windows Internals but still give you a good overall understanding on how Windows works. After having read this book, the cryptic access violation error messages suddenly made more sense. The most enlightning chapters of the book are the ones discussing how the OS manages the process memory space and how a process is launched. Do not get fooled thinking that because the book is on NT that its information is outdated. Not much has changed since and its content is still accuratly accurate.

Permalink 12:04:31 pm, by lano1106, 31 words, 2008 views   English (CA)
Categories: Rare out of print

Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows

Programming Applications for Windows, Jeffrey Richter, ISBN: 1572319968

To be honest, I have never had the chance to get my hand on this book because of his high price. It his on my wish list and has good reviews.

Permalink 11:55:17 am, by lano1106, 56 words, 1995 views   English (CA)
Categories: Rare out of print, Windows programming, Windows programming

Programming Windows With MFC

Programming Windows with MFC, Jeff Prosise, ISBN: 1572316950

This book is to MFC what Programming for Windows is for the Win32 API. I would call it the MFC bible. There is a lot of MFC books out there but Programming Windows with MFC is one of the best. If you are serious about MFC, you should consider adding this one to your references collection.

Olivier Langlois's blog

I want you to find in this blog informations about C++ programming that I had a hard time to find in the first place on the web.

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