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C++ Member templates and template arguments


Permalink 04:07:09 pm, by lano1106, 198 words, 2333 views   English (CA)
Categories: C++

C++ Member templates and template arguments

Every examples of member template that I have seen be it in the C++ Template book or in Mr. Stroustrup book consist of templatized copy constructors or assignment operators where the template argument can be deduced from the member function parameter. I wanted to write a member template with no function argument and I could not find in both mentionned books how such function could be called. Here is an example:

class A
    public :
    /* How do you call doX() ? */
    template <int ID> doX() {}

I have found out by experimenting that it is the exact same syntax than for function template:

A a;

I have written to the authors of the C++ Template book to point out this omission in their book and here is what David Vandervoorde has nicely answered:


Thanks for the feedback -- I think I agree.

Do not forget section 9.3.3 ("Dependent Names of Templates") in C++ Template, which may apply in cases like this. E.g., using your example as a basis:

template<typename T> void f(T x)
  x.template doX<1>();

Without that extra "template" keyword, the code would be invalid.


Comments, Pingbacks:

Comment from: lano1106 [Member]
I just found out that the section C.13.6
(Template as a Qualifier) of the book "The C++ programming language"
of Bjarne Stroustrup explains address this exact issue.
PermalinkPermalink 09/14/07 @ 19:08

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