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friend function declaration in a class template


Permalink 10:21:28 pm, by lano1106, 458 words, 4238 views   English (CA)
Categories: C++

friend function declaration in a class template

In my opinion, one of the most twisted part of the C++ standard (I am sure that there is more than just one twisted aspect) it is the friend function declaration in a class when you add templates to the mix. Even compiler implementers are having a hard time to get it right. I had the following code that used to compile fine in VC++6:

template< typename T >
class X
    friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &, const X<T> & );

template< typename T >
ostream &operator( ostream &os, const X<T> &t )
    // Print out t
    return os;

but now with VC++2003, I received this error message:

unresolved external symbol ostream &operator<<( ostream &, const X<T> & )

That code snippet is non conforming to the standard and in order to make the compiler happy, I had to write:

template< typename T >
class X
     * The '<>' is needed to say that the friend is a
     * function template.
    friend ostream &operator<< <>( ostream &,
                                   const X<T> & );

and for those who wonder, no I did not find the solution by myself. I had to look into my book C++ Templates. From section 8.4.1 (Friend Functions):

"An instance of a function template can be made a friend by making sure the name of the friend function is followed by angle brackets...If the name is not followed by angle brackets, there are two possibilities:

1. If the name isn't qualified (in other words, it doesn't contain a double colon), it never refers to a template instance...
2. If the name is qualified (it contains ::), the name refer to a previously declared function or function template. A matching function is preferred over a matching function template..."

So my example fits case #1 description so because of a bug into VC++6 (or maybe the standard was even not complete at the time of its release...), the compiler was erroneously accepting the friend statement as referring to a function template.

So this is the whole story. What I find sad is that the rule is not intuitive at all. There is no way I can reason it next time I am in the same situation. I will either remember the rule or I will have to check back in my C++ Template book. Herb Sutter has also written an item on that topic in his book C++ exceptional Style if you are interested in a different point of view on the topic but he pretty much comes to the conclusion that this is a tricky C++ standard aspect and that a lot of compilers have troubles accepting such statements.

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Comment from: lano1106 [Member]
I just found out that this topic is briefly covered in Bjarne Stroustrup book 'The C++ Programming language' in section C.13.2
(Section Templates, subsection Friends).

However, I found the coverage more complete in the C++ Templates.

PermalinkPermalink 09/15/07 @ 00:49
Comment from: FONTAINE Alain [Visitor] Email
What is unclear to me is:
Why to you have to precise const in:
const X some_type & );
Otherwise, w/o Const, the gcc
compiler gave a lot of errors!!!

PermalinkPermalink 10/06/07 @ 01:52
Comment from: lano1106 [Member]
All const is specifying is that your operator<< will not modify its operand. It is the same as in:

x = y + z;

You would be surprised if the addition would modify y or z.

However, this is just a convention. It is not illegal to provide non const reference.

Your errors are probably because you are passing a right hand side value. If the parameter is a const reference, the compiler is allowed to create a temporary X some_type object. Otherwise, it will complain about it.

Please consult the book 'The C++ Programming language' section 5.5 for more details.
PermalinkPermalink 10/06/07 @ 02:05

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